Adaptable NEoNATURE Technology And More...

Dr. Niles Gens and Dr. Austina Doceo employ Adaptable NeoNature Technology for perpetual global tree-planting, then redevelop Old-Tech into clean, renewable energy. Can ANNT enhance nature's healing processes? Will Gens' and Doceo's efforts be enough to halt the effects of Humankind's relentless exploitation of natural resources? Can ANNT prevent ECO-Palooza?
NEW! Adaptable NeoNature Technology
Young Adult SCI-FI.
What if 'ClimANNT Change' is not enough?
#criticalthinking #ClimateDebate #ClimateChange #ClimANNTChange
NEW! Adaptable NeoNature Technology
Young Adult SCI-FI.
What if 'ClimANNT Change' is not enough?
#criticalthinking #ClimateDebate #ClimateChange #ClimANNTChange

The Writing, Art and Design from
For You and Those Close to You to Enjoy this Holiday Season.
The Novels and The Art and Design from G. Mitchell Baker When you Visit
Smithwick Books
G. Mitchell Baker, Author
The NEoNature Design Shop

The Latest from the ANNT Series:
The Adaptable NeoNature Technology Series 8
Moderamen is the first complex Artificial Intelligence to run for President of the United States. The campaign platform includes WeaponzANNT, accountable ANNTelligence, harvesting QuANNTum Computing, and, a campaign promise to make responsible gun use the living constitutional standard for those who purchase and bear arms. The campaign slogan for Moderamen... 'Complex AI to Lead in Complex Times'. Will you Vote for Moderamen?

NEoNATURE Design partners with Smithwick Books to present the artwork of G Mitchell Baker. Find cover art, the multimedia art of Mitchell Baker on clothing, accessories, home and living items at the NEoNATURE Design Shop on Etsy ...

Adaptable NeoNature Technology
from NEoNature Publishing (Smithwick Books)
Gens and Doceo take on the challenge of distributing NEoCLEAR, the free, limitless energy deposited on Earth by Asteroid Raca. In the face of risk brought on by uncertain, Fast Fail Artificial Intelligence, Gens will not act until there is a plan to responsibly distribute NEoCLEAR. He will not allow any AI to take the limitless NEoCLEAR Power and NEoENERGY for its own illicit purpose.
Project BeeANNTium provides the most incredible Bio-Geo-engineering solution for this, and other challenges accepted by Gens, Doceo, and now Ravi, the latest genius-scientist to join Pismire. From the Trio of Genius or TRIGEN continues the great purpose of Adaptable NEoNature Technology.
Available in Paperback and Ebook
Adaptable NeoNature Technology
from NEoNature Publishing (Smithwick Books)
Gens and Doceo take on the challenge of distributing NEoCLEAR, the free, limitless energy deposited on Earth by Asteroid Raca. In the face of risk brought on by uncertain, Fast Fail Artificial Intelligence, Gens will not act until there is a plan to responsibly distribute NEoCLEAR. He will not allow any AI to take the limitless NEoCLEAR Power and NEoENERGY for its own illicit purpose.
Project BeeANNTium provides the most incredible Bio-Geo-engineering solution for this, and other challenges accepted by Gens, Doceo, and now Ravi, the latest genius-scientist to join Pismire. From the Trio of Genius or TRIGEN continues the great purpose of Adaptable NEoNature Technology.
Available in Paperback and Ebook

Find Your Victory...
Victory is a town where the people love their country and their neighbors, but what happens when two visitors come to town? One comes with fear and control, slowly taking away the freedom the people love. The other comes with Faith. When darkness overtakes the town, who will have Victory?

Garrett creates a happy, positive character he names Garrett Guy. Together, Garrett his Father, Mother and Grandmother spend family time together ... as Garrett brings Garrett Guy to life for all the family to enjoy.
The Family Time with Garrett Guy project is a book written to bring children, parents, and family members closer through the sharing of family time activities that may include creating characters, drawing, painting happy and positive characters having fun doing all kinds of activities under the sun. The Family Time with Garrett Guy book is designed for older family member to read and share Garrett's story and artwork with younger family members. The colorful drawings and artwork created by the father and son team of Mitchell Baker and Garrett Baker.
The Lake People Publishing Group, International, an Imprint of Smithwick Books, is proud to present this long anticipated family book.

I'm thankful for my publisher for getting my Christmas short stories out, even after I was ready to quit. Thanks for the encouragement! DeEtte Beckstead, Author
And we at Smithwick ... The Lake People Publishing Group are Thankful for you DeEtte ... Smithwick Books
The Beckstead Christmas Collection is a concept drawn from the tradition of homestead and family story telling. DeEtte Beckstead wants to share with you these Christmas stories, and in the upcoming years, continue to add more stories to her Christmas Collection. At The Lake People Publishing Group, International, the notion of a storyteller adding to their collection every year seems a tried, true, and perfect way to share seasonal family stories.
For 2017 we add to the Beckstead Christmas Collection a poem, Kyra’s First Christmas, and three short stories, to include, Home for Christmas, The Gift of Giving, and Drew’s Lesson. We encourage you to join us every Christmas season to continue sharing more of the wonder and brilliance of the DeEtte Beckstead Christmas Collection and seasonal storytelling.

Fusion Fueled Artificial Intelligence...?
Not without ANNTelligence.
Dr. Gens and Dr. Doceo perceive a problem, when their clean energy NEoCLEAR, is likely to provide limitless energy to new artificial intelligence ... the kind of superintelligence, given NEoCLEAR that could go on and on forever ... good, bad or indifferent. Their solution to the Super Question of whether unlimited energy should fuel unlimited artificial superintelligence includes their recruitment of fourteen year old genius Ravi. All the boy genius had done is to design and develope Moderamen, the first artificial intelligence candidate for the Office of the President of the United States of America. Together, Doceo, Gens and Ravi consider whether Super-AI will one day exhaust all of humankind, or, whether ANNTelligence will provide humankind the ability to work with boundless superintelligence, fueled by the clean, limitless energy of NEoCLEAR.
NeoNature Publishing (Smithwick Books) and Chapters/Indigo Southpoint are pleased to announce the incorporation of Mitchell Baker's 'Adaptable NeoNature Technology' series into the Natural Sciences curriculum at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. To support this achievement, please join the author and guest lecturer Mitchell Baker, as he presents for conversation and signing, the first six volumes in the ANNT Series to include Axiom, Terraca, NEoCLEAR, and the newly released SpANNTium (5) and ANNTelligence (6) novels.
Author Signing at Chapters/Indigo Southpoint
3227 Calgary Trail NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6J 5X8
September 17, 2017
October 22, 2017
11:00 AM Start Time
Cave Ravens: Lethal Believers Series
A Lot of Story .. the Paranormal Storytelling Appears Used by Baker to Create from the Largest Storytelling Pallet Possible...
5 of 5 Stars By M. Sharek, June 27, 2017
I was not sure whether I wanted to read Cave Ravens from The Lethal Believers Series ... paranormal is not my typical read ... but I quickly learned the storytelling of G Mitchell Baker is definitely not what I consider 'typical' paranormal!
The author, G. Mitchell Baker (G.M. Baker) brings together an imperfect team of paranormal persona (Emerine, Pauline), Greek myths (Lamia, Hesiod) and a noir-like protagonist named Malachi Danta-Mercadel, a retired Interpol Agent now semi retired as a small town deputy in a resort community. From what I can tell from reading this third novel first (three novel series), Danta has always been productively obsessed with taking on Mantid Tranquil, and, to battle the amorphous organization to protect The Innocents, be they children, animals, or those who cannot defend themselves (the vulnerable).
I particularly like the interaction of the noir-like Danta character, with the Greek Myths (Hesiod and Lamia) who joined him to not only protect the Innocents (in this book addicts and those the subject of abuse from trusted figures), but to continue their efforts to rehabilitate Lamia's mythology previously distorted and ruined by the British poet John Keats (a bit of true literary history here ... the author brilliantly worked this into the fiction)(I told you this was not typical paranormal).
I have to tell you ... this writing is intelligent and I could not anticipate (as I usually can) ... frankly, given the strong theme of social conscience, this read was so original and unique I would not characterize it as only 'paranormal'. There is a lot of story here and the paranormal storytelling appears used by Baker to create from the largest imagination/storytelling pallet possible. In The Cave Ravens there is tension, action ... incredible scenes in multi-dimension ... I enjoyed it all ... and, strangely, very strangely, it all seemed plausible.
I have already set my sights on reading D.V.M., the second in the Series (I guess I'll go backwards) ... If it is anything like this read, I shall not be suggesting paranormal reads are not my cup of tea any longer. It took an extremely talented writer to create ... to master this story ... I look forward to a consideration of D.V.M. ... and then the entire Lethal Believer Series.
A Lot of Story .. the Paranormal Storytelling Appears Used by Baker to Create from the Largest Storytelling Pallet Possible...
5 of 5 Stars By M. Sharek, June 27, 2017
I was not sure whether I wanted to read Cave Ravens from The Lethal Believers Series ... paranormal is not my typical read ... but I quickly learned the storytelling of G Mitchell Baker is definitely not what I consider 'typical' paranormal!
The author, G. Mitchell Baker (G.M. Baker) brings together an imperfect team of paranormal persona (Emerine, Pauline), Greek myths (Lamia, Hesiod) and a noir-like protagonist named Malachi Danta-Mercadel, a retired Interpol Agent now semi retired as a small town deputy in a resort community. From what I can tell from reading this third novel first (three novel series), Danta has always been productively obsessed with taking on Mantid Tranquil, and, to battle the amorphous organization to protect The Innocents, be they children, animals, or those who cannot defend themselves (the vulnerable).
I particularly like the interaction of the noir-like Danta character, with the Greek Myths (Hesiod and Lamia) who joined him to not only protect the Innocents (in this book addicts and those the subject of abuse from trusted figures), but to continue their efforts to rehabilitate Lamia's mythology previously distorted and ruined by the British poet John Keats (a bit of true literary history here ... the author brilliantly worked this into the fiction)(I told you this was not typical paranormal).
I have to tell you ... this writing is intelligent and I could not anticipate (as I usually can) ... frankly, given the strong theme of social conscience, this read was so original and unique I would not characterize it as only 'paranormal'. There is a lot of story here and the paranormal storytelling appears used by Baker to create from the largest imagination/storytelling pallet possible. In The Cave Ravens there is tension, action ... incredible scenes in multi-dimension ... I enjoyed it all ... and, strangely, very strangely, it all seemed plausible.
I have already set my sights on reading D.V.M., the second in the Series (I guess I'll go backwards) ... If it is anything like this read, I shall not be suggesting paranormal reads are not my cup of tea any longer. It took an extremely talented writer to create ... to master this story ... I look forward to a consideration of D.V.M. ... and then the entire Lethal Believer Series.

The Letalis Edition of D.V.M. is here...
The 2nd novel in the Lethal Believers Series has an believable, lethal twist....
...scenes so real, so heartbreaking, so emotional ... a must read...
It is a rare author that can make me scream ‘NO!’
D.V.M. is a well-written book to keep you on the edge of your seat...
The Letalis Edition of D.V.M. is definitely not predictable nor is it a typical paranormal story.
Fascinating myths and believable characters in an excellent, interwoven plot
The Letalis Edition of D.V.M. is a very difficult book to put down once started.
The 2nd novel in the Lethal Believers Series has an believable, lethal twist....
...scenes so real, so heartbreaking, so emotional ... a must read...
It is a rare author that can make me scream ‘NO!’
D.V.M. is a well-written book to keep you on the edge of your seat...
The Letalis Edition of D.V.M. is definitely not predictable nor is it a typical paranormal story.
Fascinating myths and believable characters in an excellent, interwoven plot
The Letalis Edition of D.V.M. is a very difficult book to put down once started.

Early June 2017, as a lawyer and now author, I received invitation to write a letter to kids about my careers, to provide inspiration ... write about passion... On Father's Day ... it became a privilege to deliver letter 'Passion From Law To Writing’ to kids about career, inspiration, & passion for writing.
I invite you to share about your own experience, to inspire passion...
GMB June 19, 2017
G Mitchell Baker, Passion From Law To Writing
And also watch for G. Mitchell Baker's Interview with the Success Skunks ... What a lot of fun sharing how The Great Corn Tumblin' and Soccer Tommies Baseball Mommies can be meaningful to kids wanting to learn more about community, getting along and, while competing hard... GMB

BOOK No. 2